November 2, 2021

The Annie E Casey Foundation has compiled a list of
Publications on Youth Probation, Well-Being, and Data-Driven Problem Solving. This “Juvenile Justice Resource Roundup” is full of information, for stakeholders, policy makers, and practitioners.
Wildcat has worked with New York City Probation on three transformative mentoring programs, Arches, Next STEPS, and Plus, serving youth and young adults, ages 13-24, impacted by the criminal legal system. The transformative mentoring model utilizes “credible messengers,” that is, people with lived experience, people who successfully navigated out of the criminal legal system and other adverse childhood experiences and situations, e.g., living in public housing and on “million dollar blocks” that fed the school-to-prison pipeline that led to “mass incarceration,” growing up in child welfare, and/or experiencing housing instability. Through Works Plus, Wildcat has also worked with NYC Probation on job readiness for youth and young adults, ages 16-30. For this work,
Job Training for Youth with Justice Involvement, is instructive.
Finally, Wildcat does work at PULSE High School, a transfer school in the Bronx, and given the impact of the pandemic on schooling, this guide,
Back to School Action Guide: Re-Engaging Students and Closing the School-to-Prison Pipeline, is most useful.